Health Plans Should Prepare For Plan Fallout Of HHS Rule Requiring Manufacturers Disclose Drug Prices
By Cynthia Marcotte Stamer
On Wednesday, May 8, 2019, Health and Human Services(“HHS”) Secretary Alex Azar announced the adoption of a Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Regulation to Require Drug Pricing Transparency Final Rule (the “Rule”) by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) requiring direct-to-consumer television advertisements for prescription pharmaceuticals covered by Medicare or Medicaid to include the list price – the Wholesale Acquisition Cost – if that price is equal to or greater than $35 for a month’s supply or the usual course of therapy.
Part of President Trump’s American Patients First blueprint, the 102 page Rule seeks to increase transparency for patients and bring down overall drug costs both for patients and for the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Effective 60 days after its official publication in the Federal Register on May 10, 2019, the Rule will require direct-to-consumer television advertisements for prescription drug and biological products covered by Medicare or Medicaid to include the list price – the Wholesale Acquisition Cost – if that price is equal to or greater than $35 for a month’s supply or the usual course of therapy, with the prices updated quarterly.
According to CMS, the 10 most commonly advertised drugs have list prices ranging from $488 to $16,938 per month or usual course of therapy. CMS believes patients should know what a drug costs as they discuss their options with their doctor.
While pharmaceutical drug manufactures generally must obtain approval from the FDA Office of Prescription Drug Promotion (ODPD) for advertising, OPDP does not review price information in prescription drug advertisements. Consequently, HHS says ODPD will not require a manufacturer that simply adds price information to a direct-to-consumer advertisement as required by § 403.1202 of the Rule unless the price information explicitly or implicitly incorporates safety or efficacy information about the drug, or makes express or implied claims about the safety or efficacy of the drug.
In addition to the Rule, HHS continues to review a number of other rules and proposals it hopes to further advance the American Patients First blueprint initiative to improve drug price transparency and inform consumer decision making by fixing opaque systems, changing incentives that drive costs or other undesirable behaviors by pharmaceutical companies, prescription benefit management (“PBM”) companies, health insurers and plans, providers and patients.
Health plan, their employer and other sponsors, insurers, PBM and other vendors and others should anticipate that the new Rule and other elements and initiatives of the Trump Administration American Patients First blueprint will impact plan design and administration both by directly impacting PBM and pharmaceutical costs, products, formularies and arrives and by fueling a host of new discussions by patients and their providers about pharmaceutical drug selection. In addition to impacting existing plan features and their administration, health plans, their fiduciaries, administrators and insurers should prepare for a predictable surge in scrutiny by plan members about health plan prescription drug formularies that in many cases will fuel new appeals and challenges to the plan denials, formularies and other impacted features. Health plan fiduciaries, administrators, PBMs and other vendors, employer and other sponsors should anticipate and begin preparing both to handle these new health plan demands and ideally, to educate patients and their caregivers to use the new information tomake better health care choices.