Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance
Zurich’s Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance Program offers Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions coverage to the following segments of attorneys: Law firms with attorney count of up to 100 attorneys; solo attorneys; part time attorneys and moonlighting attorneys.
Part time attorneys are defined by their working fewer than 27 hours per week. Moonlighting attorneys are defined as having full-time employment not practicing law and spending less than 25% of his/her time in private practice. Both part-time and moonlighting attorneys are limited to practices involving only solo attorneys.
Law firms (part-time attorneys, moonlighting attorneys, solo practitioners and law firms up to 100 attorneys)
Ineligible risks:
Law firms engaged in patent law, tax shelter work or investment counseling
Submission requirements:
A completed Zurich Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance application, available upon request for contact from
Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance coverages offered:
Professional Liability/Errors and Omissions, with the following Extensions of coverages:
- Supplemental payments to reimburse an insured for time when appearing at trial/mediations
- Disciplinary proceedings coverage
- Subpoena assistance
Additional attorney professional liability insurance program highlights
- Zurich’s longstanding commitment to providing Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance coverage
- Broad definition of legal services
- Various limit and deductible options
- Claims are handled by former practicing attorneys who understand a lawyer’s needs
- Convenient
- Coverage for past attorneys and staff for work done on behalf of the firm
- Worldwide coverage
- Free extended reporting period coverage for an insured in the event of total disability or death
- Free extended reporting period coverage for an insured who becomes a state or federal judge
- New attorney discount
- Innocent insured coverage
- Reduced pricing for part-time attorneys
- Reduced pricing for moonlighting attorneys
- Loss prevention hotline and website
Coverage limits:
- Up to $10 million per claim and aggregate.
Admitted or non-admitted paper:
- Admitted