In the first two days, we had visits from the Florida Legislature, the Florida Department of Insurance, the Florida Department of Health, Humana, UnitedHealthCare, Cigna, Aetna, the Blues, and a range of Florida hospitals.
Hey, friends! Join in our excitement!
We just launched a new PriceCheck project in Florida, reporting on health prices with amazing new partners WLRN public radio in Miami and WUSF public radio in Tampa Bay, and their Health News Florida collaboration. Click the links to see. For background on other partnerships, go here.
Impact! First post was Thursday. In the first two days, we had visits from the Florida Legislature, the Florida Department of Insurance, the Florida Department of Health, Humana, UnitedHealthCare, Cigna, Aetna, the Blues, and a range of Florida hospitals. Also Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, the Washington State Attorney General, the Broward County Commission and scads of others. Yay for our great partners, who have deep knowledge and stellar audiences!
Other big news: We just won a slot to pitch in the Consumer Shark Tank at the Health Datapalooza in Washington on May 10. The Datapalooza’s the big gathering of the health data tribe. We’re thrilled!
Recent press: The Wall Street Journal made much of us in a piece on paying cash for healthcare by the kickass Melinda Beck.
I was called one of the “benevolent geniuses” working to fix health pricing. The remarkable Ester Bloom from The Billfold and I both attended a groundbreaking convening of people working for change in health care, and she wrote about it here.
Weird and wonderful: I went to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan with Times Journeys a few weeks ago, when I was the resident expert on these ex-Soviet republics. If you haven’t seen my 5-minute Ignite talk about how the former Soviet Union is like the health care marketplace, here it is.
We feel your strength with us. Thank you so much for your support!
Jeanne and the ClearHealthCosts team
P.S. Our “how-to guide to crowdsourcing” for the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia University is out, to great praise and accolades. You can read it here, download a copy here, and see my post for the Tow blog here.
Check out our press page and the blog.
And, friends, please follow us and tweet us, like us on FB, and … as always, send good karma our way.