How does your current stop loss policy premiums compare to the market? Aegis Risk’s premium survey provides average industry benchmarks…………………..
The first report shows average costs in 2010. The second report shows average costs for 2016:
2010 Executive Summary
To assist plan sponsors, Aegis Risk produces this annual survey. In its fourth year, this summarizes findings on 2010 medical stop loss.
This year’s Survey was completed in the wake of health care reform and its removal of individual lifetime maximums – which significantly alters the underlying risk covered by medical stop loss.
Although stop loss is not mandated to offer unlimited coverage, the risk is created, and according to this year’s Survey, 79% of respondents intend to review its coverage – with 44% of those stating its requirement.
In comparison, only 8% reported an unlimited stop loss maximum in pre-reform 2009. With initial premium loads of as high as 20%+, employers actually selecting this additional coverage may vary in the end.
To assist plan sponsors, Aegis Risk produces this annual survey. In its fourth year, this summarizes findings on 2010 medical stop loss
2016 Executive Summary
This year’s survey, its tenth year, reflects the ongoing rise in stop-loss premiums and a continued
commitment to employer-sponsored, self-funded health plans.
The occurrence of truly catastrophic claimants—in excess of $1 million—is further verified with over 18% of respondents reporting such a claimant in the last two policy years.
Stop loss remains the primary focus of risk management, with interest in private exchanges nearly disappearing at 1% amongst respondents.
Captive arrangements show increased interest, but still slight at 14%.
Additional updates are provided on individual stop-loss deductible by employer size and other coverage provisions, including aggregate stop loss.
The primary focus of the survey remains current premium rates, as shown in the following graphs and tables. Stop-loss premium reflecting over 560,000 covered employees is measured.