“Here’s to the crazy ones. Misfits, rebels, troublemakers. They are not fond of rules. They have no respect for the status quo. They change things…………………….”
Steve Jobs once gave a presentation on product branding. He talked about Nike and how they have created a brand associated with famous athletes, winners. When people hear about Nike, they don’t think “shoes”, they think about winners.
It’s not so much about the product itself, it’s about vision, perception, feeling, and emotion. People don’t really care about how many megabits there are, or that MAC is better than any other system.
At the end of his presentation he played a short Apple commercial.
It starts “Here’s to the crazy ones. Misfits, rebels, troublemakers. They are not fond of rules. They have no respect for the status quo. They change things…………………….”
That reminded me of Dave Chase and his Rosetta cohorts. They are misfits, rebels, troublemakers of the highest order. They are SEAL TEAM 6 of the American healthcare revolution.