Healthcare Isn’t Expense – Price Gouging Is

Healthcare isn’t expensive. It’s price-gouging and profiteering that is expensive and straightforward to eliminate………………..

By Dave Chase

Want to provide every working & middle class American a recurring “stimulus?”

Employers are literally cutting spending in half while eliminating deductibles. Sounds unbelievable but it’s happening every day in the #healthrosetta community.

Wise employers understand that putting money in their employees’ pockets rather than Wall Street* is far better for the employee and employer alike. From a ~100 person org like Shine Solar (Adam Berkowitz, RHU‘s client – follow the link) to 750 employee org like Pacific Steel (Scott Haas‘ client) to a 5000 employee org like Rosen Hotels (Carolyn Grant‘s org/client), it’s doable in every corner of the country, large or small, rural or urban.

The amount of savings is correlated to how thoughtful/aggressive/long the effort is.

Healthcare isn’t expensive. It’s price-gouging and profiteering that is expensive and straightforward to eliminate. * When I say Wall St, this recognizes that mega PBMs, carriers & health systems owe their first loyalty to Wall St and are their money-handlers. I.e., that is where the annual $1 trillion hc waste goes. You only have to look at the profiteers’ stock prices/balance sheets for evidence. In the case of tax-exempt hospitals, it’s more hidden in their addiction to revenue bonds fueling their edifice complex.