“In keeping with their grand tradition of issuing major regulations late on a Friday afternoon and right before a national holiday with comments due smack in the middle of both Advent and Hanukkah…………”
“The rule also proposes requiring that all marketplaces, QHP issuers and web-based health insurance brokers provide telephonic interpreter services in at least 150 languages in addition to the existing requirement of providing language services…”
Editor’s Note: www.150languages.com is going to thrive under ObamaCare
In keeping with their grand tradition of issuing major regulations late on a Friday afternoon and right before a national holiday with comments due smack in the middle of both Advent and Hanukkah, the Obama Administration today issued final regulations on minimum essential coverage, the proposed 2016 actuarial value calculator and a proposed rule on health reform payment parameters for 2015.
The minimum essential coverage regulations, in addition to other guidance, clarify that cafeteria plan elections may now be taken into account when calculating affordability, wellness plans that include discounts and rebates are treated as wellness incentives, and provide further HRA guidance.
The payment parameters notice proposes a 2016 uniform reinsurance contribution rate of $27 annually per enrollee and the 2016 uniform reinsurance payment parameters—a $90,000 attachment point, $250,000 reinsurance cap and 50% coinsurance rate. The proposed rule also contains provisions related to the transparency of the rate-setting process, open enrollment and re-enrollment, meaningful access standards, publication of provider directories, access to affordable prescription drugs, and administration Small Business Health Options Program. The rule also proposes requiring that all marketplaces, QHP issuers and web-based health insurance brokers provide telephonic interpreter services in at least 150 languages in addition to the existing requirement of providing language services. Additionally, the rule proposes several policies to improve enrollee’s access to affordable prescription drugs. The Department of Health and Human Services also released the 2016 actuarial value calculator and additional guidance on hardship exemptions to the individual mandate.
There is a 30-day comment period for the payment parameters rule, which means that instead of wrapping presents like a fiend on December 21, we at the Washington Update will be battling with the Regulations.gov online submissions program.
For more information on today’s proposed rule, visit:http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Fact-Sheets-and-FAQs/Downloads/Fact-Sheet-11-20-14.pdf
To view the draft 2016 actuarial value calculator, visit:http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Regulations-and-Guidance/Downloads/Draft-2016-AV-Calculator.xlsm
To view the actuarial value calculator methodology, visit:http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Regulations-and-Guidance/Downloads/Draft-2016-AVC-Methodology-MASTER-for-112114.pdf
To view the guidance on hardship exemptions, visit:http://www.cms.gov/CCIIO/Resources/Regulations-and-Guidance/Downloads/Hardship-Exemption-Guidance-11-21-14-final.pdf