Government Run Health Care Doesn’t Pay Squat

Melody Learns The Truth After Getting What She Wished For

Ana Delian, an intensive care nurse, earns $18 a month . “They pay you little and you work loads.”

“Official figures show the number of doctors, nurses and dentists is falling sharply.” You would think that the economics of supply and demand would benefit Ana with higher wages, maybe even as high as $25 a month.

Government run healthcare doesn’t pay squat. Yet proponents for a single payer system including well-meaning nurses like Melody say it’s long overdue.

According to Melody “Health care is a universal right everyone deserves. And it should be free. I’m over-paid and willing to downsize and pay more taxes at the same time if it will help my fellow man, women or any of the other 42 sexes!! I encourage all my fellow nurses to join the Nurses for Single Payer movement now”

“It’s heartwarming to see so many do so little for so little for so many!” says Bernie Sanders. “The supporting class of the clueless provides the strength behind our movement towards lower cost free universal health care!”

According to Ana she is willing to sacrifice her position immediately. “Melody needs to give me a call. I’ll gladly change jobs with her. It’s a gift – I will give her a chance to have the job of her dreams and I’ll sacrifice by taking hers!”

More reading HERE.


QUESTION: What does the Cuban Health Care Delivery System have in common with the American Health Care Delivery System?

ANSWER: The law of supply and demand does not exist

QUESTION: What is the correct term for BUCA in Cuban American communities?