A carved out custom fully insured prescription drug benefit plans for the large group health benefits marketplace? This is interesting. Will this lower the cost of drugs?
PRAM Insurance Services Announces Partnership with Markel®
MyHealthGuide Source: NEVAEH Insurance Solutions, 8/4/2022
Brea, CA – PRAM Insurance Services, Inc., a pharmacy benefits consulting firm, managing general underwriter, and third-party administrator, is thrilled to announce it has partnered with Markel Service, Incorporated, an A.M. Best Rated (A) carrier, as a partner to bring carved out custom fully insured prescription drug benefit plans to the large group health benefits marketplace. This will provide employer groups with flexibility they have not seen previously and will allow them to budget their unforeseen financial risks on the pharmacy benefits side.
Gone are the days when self-funded pharmacy provides the least expensive option for pharmacy benefits. With expertise to home in on every cost saving opportunity by managing every aspect of pharmacy spend, and then guaranteeing those results, in these days of unprecedented trends, partner with a true disruptor to get the peace of mind you need and the results you deserve.
Since 1989, PRAM has functioned as a family owned and operated business. Since the beginning, PRAM has poured its heart and mind into providing custom, comprehensive, benefit rich, affordable prescription drug plans to corporations all across America, from Main Street to Wall Street.
Markel is a Fortune 500 company with over 70 years’ experience in the property and casualty market.
The agreement with PRAM heralds Markel’s entry into the healthcare benefits marketplace.
About PRAM
In today’s technology driven world, PRAM is focusing on continually enhancing service capabilities and benefits along with boosting its technologies to offer a fully loaded benefits platform for any type of client to manage their prescription drug benefits, be they a member, agent, employer, carrier, PBM or any of the many types of clients PRAM services. Contact Lisa M. Collier, CEO, at lcollier@pram.com and visit pram.com
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