Full Legal Representation for RBP Plan Members For $4.55 PEPM


“Don’t bother doing something unless you’re radically different from the competition” – Richard Branson

There are so many vendors in the RBP arena its hard to keep up with all of them. There are many different flavors and colors to choose from.

Many RBP group plans include legal representation in case of balance billing and subsequent lawsuits. The fear of dinged credit and the greater fear of devastating lawsuits turbocharges the perceived need for legal protection at almost any cost. Lawyers are expensive!

Yet we have found lawsuits on RBP plans are extremely rare.

A stop loss intermediary is now offering full legal protection for RBP plans. Benefits include an unlimited tail even if the stop loss policy expires and a subsequent lawsuit arises years later. The cost of this coverage is a premium load to the stop loss policy.

A recent proposal we received indicates the premium load equivalent in this particular case to be $4.55 PEPM.

A plan sponsor these days can custom build a RBP plan for less than $15 PEPM. Traditional RBP vendors charge a % of Billed Charges (Egregious) or a % of Savings (Equally Egregious) which can add up to $40-$90 PEPM all day long.