A Common Sense Approach to Health Care. All financial barriers to health care are eliminated. Providers are paid in cash at the point of service. Never a balance bill.
- A Direct Primary Care driven health plan
- Managed referrals
- Plan cash payment in full at time of service – no claims to file
- All financial barriers to health care are removed – no deductible, co-pays, etc.
- Hospital in-patient & out-patient
- Surgical
- Prescription Drugs
- Level funded – Full refund of surplus
- Traditional self-funded
- Stop loss cover through a Captive
- ACA compliant
This is not a traditional health insurance plan. The plan builds upon what health care should be – a direct partnership between patient and doctor by eliminating third party interference. Providers and plan members are not required to file claims for reimbursement. Filing claims is stupid, time consuming and expensive.
All financial barriers to health care are eliminated. Deductibles are dumb and counter productive. Just ask Mary.
The Free Market Medical Plan is a common sense solution using traditional American business practices long missing from health care financing in this country.
Plan sponsors can expect significant savings while improving benefits at the same time. Removing The Wall of status quo financial barriers and third party interference in partnership with the medical community is a win win for all stakeholders.