The author’s message is clear. And it’s real. But there is something else within the article that’s a condemnation of our current health care system of finance in this country – If You Can’t Pay Your Gonna die.
This is an interesting article in more ways than one: Former healthcare executive insider takes road to redemption.
The message is clear. And it’s real. But there is something within the article that touches upon something else – If You Can’t Pay Your Gonna die.
A child needed a new liver to live. The family didn”t have the financial resources to pay for it. And their insurance refused to cover it. So the child dies needlessly. One would think the insurance company is to blame. But what about the hospital and doctors? Why did they not perform the procedure to save a life when they could have done so? Didn’t they take some kind of oath?
Here are a few excepts:
Cigna and other big insurers realized in the early 2000s that managed care (PPO’s) was not working to bring down the cost of health care. (We’ve been beating that drum for years – Have PPO Networks Perpetrated The Greatest Heist In American History?)
Today millions of Americans with insurance can’t use their coverage because in many cases they must spend thousands of dollars out of their own pockets before their coverage will kick in. (That’s exactly right – can’t afford insurance and can’t afford to use it).
They (insurers) know they can’t keep raising premiums and deductibles forever.
Employers are getting fed up with the status quo and are seeking alternatives.
Insurers are getting more and more into the delivery of health care. Cigna, Aetna and United already have large and growing PBM operations, and all the big insurers are buying physician practices and clinics. United already is the largest employer of doctors in the US.