Drink The Water Damn It!

Moving away from 40 years of managed care to something different is one of the hardest things to do. That’s why most don’t. Those who do find the pain of doing the same is far greater than the pain of change.

We have been managing new era health plans for over two decades with good success. However, the continuing struggle to educate and re-educate plan members while at the same time fighting a never ending battle on behalf of plan sponsors against the medical industrial complex is tough and not for the faint of heart.

You would think by now, after 20+ years of promoting alternative health plan strategies that are proven to reduce costs while improving benefits at the same time more plan sponsors would be doing the same.

We still see the fear of change in every encounter with plan sponsors seeking magic dust solutions to their health care cost increases. They still hold the same misconceptions and ignorance of how the American health care finance system is working against them, strong evidence they are not paying attention to their second biggest company expense.

Leading a horse to water is easy. Nothing else is.