Dr. Bill’s Urgent Care Visit

By Bill Hennessey, M.D.View my services

Sanford Health Bills Incorrectly and Excessively for an Urgent Care Visit

One hour and 4 departments later in a Sanford debacle, after encountering multiple lies, I was told that for a NEW urgent care visit the billing code would most commonly be 99124, which is a CPT code for a FOLLOW UP visit, even as per what they just USPS mailed me. Note further I was verbally told that $346 was “the starting price and depending on what was done it could go up to $800.”

FYI – $175 is the national average cash price for an urgent care visit.

Sanford Health is a hospital system, insurance company and TPA, creating strong unethical financial conflicts of interest. This is just one example of hoodwinkling. They actually told me I had to be a patient if they were allowed to give out the price of a care item.

Don’t go to a hospital unless you need hospitalized. Want to know the price of care and where to go? You need CareGuide. You can’t afford to not have us. Don’t be bullied. Be the bull.