Remember Xerox? How about Eastman Kodak? Both were pioneers in their industries. They were visionaries providing solutions by fulfilling previously unmet needs, creating new markets that did not exist before. Now we are seeing something similar in health care……………….
Small town doctors get wake up call – The DPC Outlaw just rode into town……
A rural Texas community is close knit. Everyone knows everyone else, especially the local primary care physicians. They know more about everyone else than anyone else.
These legacy primary care doctors enjoy a monopoly. Life is good.
Then about a year ago rumors surfaced that a DPC clinic was coming to town. “It will never work! No one is going to change doctors!” cried the naysayers.
But little did they know success was assured well before the clinic was to open for business!
The DPC physician knew he needed 800 patients to sign up for membership to ensure financial success. To determine interest within the community his representatives went to all the businesses in the area to pitch their services. Their message? Quick accessibility and affordability, two components missing in traditional health care today.
The city, county and school district were approached. You would think political calculations would come into play here since the DPC physician was not a community member, an outsider, and his proposed clinic would be in direct competition with the local doctors.
Turns out that wasn’t the case. Think Walmart……………..
A local political office holder explained it this way: “Bill, I’ve been going to Dr. Jones since birth. My family uses him too, we like him. But when I call for an appointment I’m lucky to get in for a week. And when I do get in, I usually sit in the waiting room for up to two hours. And when they escort me back to the examining room I see someone different every time it seems. And they spend five minutes or less, hand me a prescription and I’m out the door. Under this DPC model I don’t go through any of that!”
“That solves accessibility” I said. “What about cost?”
“Bill, it’s only $60 per month for unlimited number of visits, no co-pays either. We are going to pay the membership fee for all our employees, so it will be free health care for them. Most of their health care needs can be handled at the DPC level. Finally our employees and family members can afford to get the care they need when they need it.”
DPC is a growing market phenomenon. It solves accessibility and affordability while taking care of 80-90% of one’s basic health care needs. Fee-for-service medical delivery administered through third party intermediaries can’t compete.