Doctors Beware! Don’t Piss Off The Medical Industrial Complex

Doctor Remains Silent – Resorts To Sign Language – He’s Eternally Hopeful The Medical Industrial Complex Understands Sign Language

Don’t rock the boat! Stay silent. Big Brother and the Medical Industrial Complex is watching you. Otherwise lose your reputation, family, friends, fortune, license and freedom. (Cheer up though, you can keep your children).

EXHIBIT #1 Hot Chick Doc vs The Good Ole Boys At The Texas Medical Association

This doctor has gone through 14 Pre-trial orders + $175,000 in legal fees defending herself against the Texas Medical Board,

“The Texas Medical Board has become an authoritarian menace to the rights and liberties of Texas citizens, improperly injecting political ideology and establishment groupthink into the doctor-patient relationship.”

SOURCE: Paxton Ignores Alleged Texas Medical Board Misconduct

EXHIBIT #2 – Little Known General Surgeon Castrates Texas Children’s Hospital For Lying About turning Little Boys Into Little Girls and Little Girls Into Little Boys

This doctor still has his license, freedom, family and friends but is rapidly losing his fortune along with a diminishing reputation.

“The Biden administration indicted the whistleblower who exposed how doctors at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston secretly provided sex alteration surgeries and transgender hormones to minors.”

SOURCE: Biden DOJ Indicts Texas Doctor Who Exposed Child Mutilations

“Last year, Haim anonymously leaked evidence of the child sex-change procedures to conservative journalist Christopher Rufo. The documents revealed that Texas Children’s Hospital had continued running its transgender program, despite announcing that the program had been discontinued in accordance with Governor Greg Abbott’s 2022 directive equating such medical interventions with child abuse.”

The Houston-based hospital was ultimately forced to stop its trans-medical practices after a state law took effect in September 2023, prohibiting drug and surgical “gender-affirming” interventions for minors.”

SOURCE: DOJ Indicts Whistleblowing Surgeon for Exposing Transgender Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital