David Contorno – Status Quo’s Worst Nightmare


“Trusting carriers to manage your healthcare spend is like trusting American Express to manage your corporate expenses. We all know Amex gets a percentage of all charges, so if they had their way, employees would charge anything and everything on it. After all, the employer pays the bill. Wait, same with health insurance. They make a vig (the interest on a shark’s loan) on every claim and the employer pays the bill…..” – David Contorno

David Contorno – A disruptive force in helping employers better manage healthcare expenses for employees

About David:

David Contorno is president of Lake Norman Benefits. Contorno is a native New Yorker and entered this field at the young age of 14, doing marketing for a major life insurance company. During his 20-plus years in the insurance business, Contorno has engaged in providing group insurance in various types of markets and industries ranging from manufacturing companies to privately held investment management companies.

Contorno has received numerous levels of recognition. To name a few: In 2004, he received a broker spotlight and was recognized by Blue Cross Blue Shield as an outstanding broker of service, and in 2005 through 2015 United Healthcare honored him with the Echelon award reserved for the top 1% of agents nationally.

Contorno served on the board of directors for Healthreach Community Clinic, a not-for-profit medical clinic serving the working uninsured. He also served on the NC Insurance Commissioners Life and Health Agent Advisory Committee, as well as participating in the technical advisory group that helped with the market reforms required under the Affordable Care Act in North Carolina.

In 2015, Contorno was recognized as Benefits Selling Magazine and BenefitsPro.com broker of the year. He is an active member in the Lake Norman and Moorseville-South Iredell Chambers of Commerce and is a member of the National, North Carolina, Charlotte, New York and Long Island Associations of Health Underwriters. He currently serves on the board of the both the NC and Charlotte chapters.

In addition, he enjoys being a part of Rotary International and of the membership drive for the United Way, assisting the local Habitat for Humanity chapter and the Dove House Child Advocacy Center and participating in networking functions.

Recent Articles by David Contorno

Next PR Problem for Obamacare

There is a big PR problem brewing, one receiving very little attention in the media or in industry publications. It’s one I think will resonate among those who typically support the politicians who supported the Affordable Care Act. The issue stems from the delay in the 1094/1095 reporting under section 6055 and 6056 of the IRS code […]

New Way to Lower Healthcare Costs

Managers are more likely to limit rental cars to $30 a day than limit an open heart surgery to $100,000 — for ethical and regulatory reasons, many executives steer clear of involving themselves in healthcare decisions, other than selecting the broadest possible network access. But few expenses that executives know so little about matter more […]

Missing the Boat on ACA Online Tools

The number of brokers considering a human resources insurance system (HRIS) to handle compliance with the Affordable Care Act is staggering. It’s the No. 1 topic of conversation at every industry function I attend. I just left a top producer event for a carrier, and when I shared with a group of attendees that we […]

Why U.S. Healthcare Is So Mediocre

In my capacity as benefits consultant, I often hear employees say they know we have the most expensive system in the world, but they feel that is a fair trade-off because we have the U.S. healthcare system is the best in the world. Well, let me disavow you of that notion. Every metric measurable shows […]

Real Reason Health Insurance Is Broken

Healthcare is broken in this country; I don’t think I really have to convince too many people of that. Whether your political leanings are blue or red, whether you’re a senior citizen or a teenager, really whether you’re rich or poor — just about everybody senses that something is wrong with how we manage care. […]