The Cost Plus health care revolution in Texas continues to grow. Employers, searching for cost effective plans under the protections afforded through ERISA, are experiencing plan savings of 40% and more without reducing benefits.
Five (5) Texas hospitals have elected the Cost Plus approach for their own group medical plans – a profound and unintended endorsement of the scheme. And, several large physician groups have initiated Cost Plus Plans for their employees as well.
Carrier representatives are worried. “Cost Plus will fail” is their message to their brokers. “Hospitals will shut Cost Plus Plans down!” they insist. Or, “We cant compete against it” some sob in abject mental anguish. Yet we find that more employee benefit brokers are embracing the concept, either as a defensive mechanism or as “true believers.”
We predict continued growth of the Cost Plus approach, along with significant changes to be endorsed by willing providers.
Cost Plus plans are managed by Group & Pension Administrators Inc. ( in partnership with ELAP (
Editor’s Note: Cost Plus is all about transparency. Will other TPA’s follow suit? Will other audit firms join the fray?