Bill, I saw two Chantix commercials on Bill Oreiley Show last night. My guess is that since non-grandfathered plans must cover smoke cessation therapy at 100 percent with no copays or deductibles, Chantix will be “free” for insureds who try to quit.
Manufacturer of Chantix must have figured this out.
Molly Mulebriar
Editor’s Note: Chantix does have potential side effects: suicidal tendencies, depression. The good news is that the Mental Parity Act covers these. We expect enterprising entrepenurs everywhere to open up Smoking Cessation Clinics all over America. Under ObamaCare, non-grandfathered health plans must cover smoking cessation 100% without deductibles or copays. Employers who are affected will be paying for these clinics – costs will be enormous. Could this be a good business opportunity for soon to be unemployed health insurance agents?