Cash Is A Good Cost Containment Strategy

The future of health care reimbursement is cash paid at the point-of-service funded by employers insuring over 170,000,000 Americans through work-place employer sponsored health plans. Screw insurance companies and other blood sucking third party intermediaries.

Asserta Health’s medEcash platform offers providers the ability to be paid in real time without the need to submit claims or bill patients for their portion of the fees. Setting up a medEcash account is easy and only takes 10 minutes. A provider’s account is always a Receive-Only account- NO risk of any chargebacks or refunds.

A medEcash account will contain a customized SuperBill, with the appropriate CPT codes and a provider’s agreed cash price.

medEcash sends a message to the patient to confirm their visit within 24 hours of the date-of-service.

Once an account is set the process of getting paid is fast and easy for both provider and patients. Providers are paid the full cash price immediately upon patient confirmation, no copayments or cost sharing to collect!

Call or email to sign up: 435.714.6559 I