Broker Compensation by Health Insurance Market

Sources: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from Health Coverage Portal TM, a market database maintained by Mark Farrah Associates, which includes information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and California’s Department of Managed Health Care. Mini-med companies with a medical focus were included.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

About The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), or just Kaiser Family Foundation, is an American non-profit organization, headquartered in Menlo Park, California. It focuses on major health care issues facing the nation, as well as U.S. role in global health policy. The Foundation states that it is a non-partisan source of facts and analysis, polling and journalism for policymakers, the media, the health care community, and the general public[1] and is known for having the “most up-to-date and accurate information on health policy[2]” and as a “must-read for healthcare devotees.[3]