Baskin-Robbins Disproves HR Myth But The Salesman Is Dungeoned

A Fairy Tale By Molly Mulebriar

Once Upon A Time a health insurance agent presented an ICHRA proposal to the wicked witch of HR, a bald headed spinster known as Ms. No Never…………..

“ICHRA gives employees more choices, the freedom to select a health plan that bests fits their individual needs, In your area there are 88 different flavors to choose from!” said the eager and energetic salesman.

“Our employees are too dumb to figure out witch of the 88 health plan “flavors” available is best for them!” purred the sinister Ms. No Never, the apparently nice HR lady. “It’s too complicated. Too many choices! They need someone to hold their hand in the selection process.

“Wow, I never thought of that!” said the now timid and blushing health insurance agent. “But wait, if that’s true Baskin-Robbins would have never survived their first year because of dumb handless customers. Starting with 31 different flavors to choose from they have since expanded to more than 1,400 over the years. That’s a hell of a lot of flavored choices. So isn’t that irrefutable evidence most of the dumb and handless are not so dumb they can’t decide what flavor to choose while handless?”

The now scrowling HR lady pushed a button and the insurance agent disappeared with a scream into a deep, dark and cold snake infested underground dungeon below the HR castle never to be seen again.

The End