“Our clients are often speechless when we document what they are paying for hospital services after what they believe are the PPOs discounts…………………..On average we find payment levels of over 260% of Medicare and many times we find post PPO payments greater than 400% of Medicare………….”
AMPS is the leading and fastest growing Cost Plus / Reference Based Pricing company in the United States. Quick to react to market demands ( Xerox, Eastman Kodak And Cost Plus Insurance ) AMPS provides competitive pricing coupled with superior service.
“Companies must work constantly to eliminate any cost factor that does not add value to a business process” – Mike Dendy
MyHealthGuide Source: Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions (AMPS), 12/13/2014, www.advancedpricing.com
Advanced Medical Pricing Solutions (AMPS) announced their acquisition of Claims Delegate Services (CDS), Inc.
“We are pleased to report our acquisition of CDS which was completed late last night, said Mike Dendy, President and CEO of AMPS. This is the perfect ending to a year in which our growth rate topped 60% and our national footprint expanded dramatically, Dendy continued.
“Along with CDS, AMPS launched our Reference Based Reimbursement (RBR) program three years ago as an alternative to the value eroding PPO networks”, said Dendy. From day one of implementation our clients have seen dramatic reductions in their healthcare spending as we eliminate the partnership for overpayments that the PPOs and many of the nations hospitals have created together, continued Dendy.
“Our clients are often speechless when we document what they are paying for hospital services after what they believe are the PPOs discounts, said Jim Delaney, Chief Operating Officer of AMPS”. On average we find payment levels of over 260% of Medicare and many times we find post PPO payments greater than 400% of Medicare continued Delaney. “The problem for employers is that they don’t know what they are paying for services and if they ask the PPO network to benchmark what they are paying they just refuse citing proprietary contracts and relationships”, continued Delaney.
CDS, which is currently based in Boca Raton, Florida will be moving operations to Atlanta, Georgia in early 2015. Rick Hirsch, the current CEO of Claims Delegate Services will remain with the company as President and Chief Legal Council of the organization reporting to Mike Dendy, AMPS’ CEO/President.
About AMPS
AMPS has become the preeminent supplier of healthcare claim review and verification services over the past eight years. Our charge of excellence has now expanded to wellness, dependent verifications, and progressive re-pricing models. Our direction is to bring the same level of professionalism and leadership within these segments of cost management that we have delivered previously with our established claim services. Visit www.advancedpricing.com.