Amazing $372 ACA Compliant Group Health Insurance Plan For Groups of 50+

Announcing an amazing ACA qualified group health plan special to large employers. It is so good that to refuse the offer requires cognitive testing.

As a plan sponsor are you tired of being in the health insurance business? Do you want out? Are you tired of annual rate increases you can’t afford? Would you like a plan that freezes your cost to no more than $372 per month per employee?

This amazing group health plan does all of this ………..and more!


  • Employer cost is no more than $372 per employee per month
  • ACA compliant
  • No participation requirements
  • Pre-existing conditions covered
  • Guarantee issue
  • Plan members have multiple plan option choices
  • Fully insured
  • No underwriting
  • No ineligible industries
  • Membership in large national risk pool
  • Accepted by most hospitals and doctors nationwide

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not, it’s real, it’s here.

You’re probably wondering why your broker hasn’t’ told you about this. Ask him, he’ll tell you if he’s honest and lie if he isn’t. (If he’s moving his lips it’s probably the later).

Want the truth? Write