“An inefficient, corrupt health care delivery system creates opportunities which would not exist in a perfect world. Inflated, arbitrary hospital bills are a gold mine for third party intermediaries“…………………………Making money off imaginary savings is an art form. -Homer G. Farnsworth, M.D.
MyHealthGuide Source: Advanced Medical Strategies, 3/18/2013, www.mdstrat.com
As long as medical claims specialists have been auditing healthcare bills for clients, clients have been paying for such services on the basis of a percentage of the amount of savings achieved by the claims specialists. Now, however, Advanced Medical Strategies, the nation’s premier physician-led company that blends medical and financial expertise on healthcare costs and claims, is offering two additional fee options:
- an hourly fee or
- a flat fee on the basis of a percentage of the total billed charges.
In almost all instances, the new fee options will save clients money, in addition to offering predictability, convenience and greater ease in budgeting.
“Clients have been asking for more cost-effective, flexible and flat-fee options for years,” says Peter Borans, President of Advanced Medical Strategies (AMS), which is based in Lynnfield, Massachusetts. “Now they can have this kind of flexibility without giving up the professional expertise, fast turnaround, defensible reductions, and refundable/capped fees they need and expect. We’re happy to steer clients to the fee option that is most likely to work to their advantage, and whichever option they choose, they’re not locked into it forever.”
“The landscape in healthcare is changing, and AMS has always been committed to changing with it. We continually strive to offer healthcare payors solutions that are in line with our founding principles: high-quality services, rapid turnaround and putting our clients’ needs first.”
A schematic breakdown of the new fee options for audits is available upon request from AMS, showing the cost structure and the level of included services for each of the three options: the traditional percentage of savings model, the new flat hourly fee option, and the new percentage of billed charges model.
About Advanced Medical Strategies Advanced Medical Strategies is a physician-led organization that offers some of the most innovative and proactive solutions specifically designed for small to medium sized TPAs, Health Plans, HMOs, Worker’s Compensation Payers, MGUs, Stop-Loss Carriers, Specialty Risk Insurers, Occupational Accident Insurers, A&H Insurers, and Self-Administered Group Health Plans. In addition to saving clients time and money, AMS provides peace of mind when dealing with all facets of medical claims. Contact Peter Borans, pborans@mdstrat.com, Adria Garneau, agarneau@mdstrat.com, or call (855) 224-9711 and visit www.mdstrat.com.
Editor’s Note: Audit fee schedules are all over the board. Fees can be based on savings, allowed, PEPM or hourly. Audit fees can be capped per claim, or in the aggregate. Audits can be basic, advanced, or none of the above. Beware of audit brokers – anyone can become one for the price of a stack of business cards ($25 at Kinko’s).