Reference Based Pricing Roadmap

If your client is weighing conversion to a Medicare Reference-Based Pricing plan, there’s a lot to consider. You need to ensure they avoid common pitfalls, and that’s why we’re here to help.

With more than two decades of experience maximizing savings for our clients, you can rely on us to advise you on the steps for a successful transition, including:

  1. Helping determine if Reference-Based Pricing is a good fit for your client’s self-funded group
  2. Deciding which RBP model is right for the group (All claims, split programs, etc.)
  3. Setting the right Medicare rate multiple to avoid pushback
  4. Crafting a solid plan document that avoids costly hazards

Whether your client is expanding Reference-Based Pricing to more components of their plan, or if this is all new to them, our experts are here to make the transition smoother.

Reach me directly at 301-963-0762 ext. 101 or