As The World Turns – School Board May Terminate Clinic Contract

world    School district officials confirmed this week that the Internal Revenue Service has placed a lien on San Benito CISD funds owed to the district’s on-site health clinic administrator, who owes the IRS more than $315,000.

SBCISD attorney Tony Torres sent an email to the Board of Trustees on Wednesday informing the board members that the district received levy notices from the IRS regarding Richard Garza, the owner of ISD Managed Care Services Inc. – the Port Isabel-based company that currently serves as the school district’s on-site health clinic provider.

Want the whole story? Pick up a copy of the April 20 edition of the San Benito News, or subscribe to our E-Edition by clicking here.


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  1. TRUTH

    April 19, 2014 at 9:12 am (UTC -5)


    AGAIN!!!!! OMG!! Wow! The four board member majority sure have made the best decisions for our school district!! Way to go guys, you’re the best!!

  2. ReformSanBenito2

    April 19, 2014 at 10:00 am (UTC -5)


    All this negative publicity about SBCISD is a bit much. It overshadows the daily accomplishments and success of our students at all grade levels at all the campuses. I will definitely be voting!

  3. truth be told 2

    April 19, 2014 at 12:18 pm (UTC -5)


    June and Pappi your chickens are coming home to roost. You were the deciding vote for the blind mice. You argued how you didn’t want all the business going to Valley Baptist Health System. The consultant recommended Valley Baptist Health System. They would have cost the same or less. No, but you knew better. Well, guess what? What a dangerous situation when a semi-educated principal leads three blind mice and listens to June’s Pappi.

  4. Trustees let this happen

    April 19, 2014 at 12:53 pm (UTC -5)


    The SBCISD BOARD let this problem continue to happen. It’s all of them as a whole because they just can’t seem to find common ground for the betterment of the district and it’s children. Where in the world are the top administrators, the Superintendent and CPA/Accountant?
    The board that we have now are both non-and some so called educated and non certified accountants. I’m not surprised that the neglected IRS bill grew to this substantial amount fast. No one can just threw it to the back burner and hope it disappears.
    I am not exactly sure about this but, this also was under the past superintendent A. Limon and maybe this is another reason he was placed on suspension.
    The truth matter needs to come out, as a tax payer and citizen of San Benito we need answers and you can’t cover the sun up with one finger.
    We the voters must demand to get answers!
    The flood waters are open and too many disagreements need to stop and work together to make a better place for all of San Benito.
    Get to work and put agendas aside.
    The superintendent needs to pull his weight and get his fingers out of his nose including the board.
    I’m certainly sick of all the dirty political tactics and do your jobs.

    1. truth be told 2

      April 20, 2014 at 9:57 pm (UTC -5)


      The three minority board members tried to stop this. They wanted Valley Baptist Health Systems to run the clinic. It was recommended by the Consultant Rusteberg that Valley Baptist Health Systems was the best, however the other four had a different agenda and voted against his recommendation. So you are correct the four trustees let this happen.

  5. Truth 2

    April 19, 2014 at 1:07 pm (UTC -5)


    Lets not forget the ” truth” about the previous clinic operators( Valley Regonial -Brownsville) they still OWE the district money.. How quickly you “TRUTH” forgets. Or pretend too.. Typical minority supporters never want to take credit or anything.. But, the people don’t forget and trust me!!!! MAY 10th can’t come fast enough and their better be no SAD FACES of the lossing party’s because you know it’s coming…. Vote smart!!!’

  6. De San Bene

    April 20, 2014 at 4:34 pm (UTC -5)


    wow–so sorry to hear about this situation

  7. Larry

    April 20, 2014 at 9:59 pm (UTC -5)


    The MAJORITY are To Blame!
    Vote smart SB!

  8. Garza

    April 21, 2014 at 7:00 am (UTC -5)


    They chanted, “Out with the old. In with the New!” They trashed the incumbents, shouting, “We need BETTER for the children!” And this is what the voters came up with?? This board is RIDICULOUS! Election Day, where are you????

  9. huevos rancheros

    April 21, 2014 at 8:11 am (UTC -5)


    Truth, Truth 2, Truth 439…

    Say what you really mean to say. None of this “this person” and “that person” stuff. Have the huevos rancheros to say who you are talking about. Have the huevos rancheros to say who you support and don’t support. Have the huevos rancheros to say who you will vote for and who you won’t vote for. Enough with the BS. You gonna say something, say it!

  10. WeThePeople

    April 21, 2014 at 9:49 am (UTC -5)


    Did anyone see this coming?? There was something fishy about the dealings with the health clinic administrator contracts all along. Just another example of the compadrismo, incompetence and corruption for the SBCISD administrators.

  11. Bad Dog

    April 21, 2014 at 1:47 pm (UTC -5)


    No surprise to me about this. I have a question. What is the job of the school board? To hire and fire the superintendent!!!!!!! Make him accountable. you guys in SB have two on the payroll yet the school board members think that they have the power to make changes….rearranging or putting people at certain positions. I hear that one board member if he or she wins has an agenda to make changes. That’s what the problem is. Everyone has their own agenda. Get off your high horse and stop thinking about yourself and what YOU can do for the district. It’s NOT about you. Let the super make the decisions and hold him or her accountable. Stop trying to get to much involved in the everyday business of the district…….Is it time to vote yet? Dam voting day needs to come quick.

  12. StandandDeliver

    April 21, 2014 at 10:52 pm (UTC -5)


    It looks like Bad Dog is the only one with some common sense or at least knowledge of administration. The board is not supposed to do anything except hold the superintendent accountable and demand transparency for its constituents. Both board sides are guilty of trying to do favors for friends and relatives. STOP: Let the superintendent hire the best qualified and hold him accountable for the outcome. If the board is tell the superintendent who to hire, then they have no right to evaluate him. WAKE UP PEOPLE; The wasting of tax dollars is your money. It means less for your children, it means less for you community and it means less for the future. Vote sensibly. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. IF THEY DON’T ACT LIKE A BOARD; FIRE THEM ELECT SOMEONE NEW. LET US CONTINUE TO ELECT PEOPLE WITH PRIVATE AGENDAS. Election Day where are you?

    1. the board

      April 22, 2014 at 12:21 pm (UTC -5)


      the board took away power from the superintendent a while back. they have the power to hire/fire employees. they also are in charge of the majority of the district budget (expenses, contracts, raises, etc.)

    2. The Negotiator

      April 22, 2014 at 1:46 pm (UTC -5)



  13. Triple P

    April 22, 2014 at 2:28 pm (UTC -5)


    as much as i don’t want to vote for Mr. Potato Head, in my opinion all current board members need to be voted out. it doesn’t mean that their opposition is necessarily better. but in order for the school district to have a chance, new members need to come in because the old/current members aren’t getting it done. period.

    Medrano out.
    Leal out.
    Aguilera out.
    Huerta out.

    I wonder who will run against Yliana next year? Now that should be interesting.

  14. Bad Dog

    April 23, 2014 at 8:24 am (UTC -5)


    @Standanddeliver… is what it is suppose to be. Whoever gets elected must attend a conference in June. At the conference they tell them right off the bat that you cannot make promises to no one and that you cannot be telling citizens of the community that YOU will be making changes. All you are suppose to be in charge of is 1.
    Hire and Fire a Superintendent. 2. Budgets and 3. Policy making. Hold the Super responsible. Also I heard that Ms Aquilera goes to schools and does WALK THROUGHS…..she has NO right or authority to be doing that. That is NOT her position to be doing that. That is the pricipals job. What your board does in SB is NOT the right way of doing things….to much compadre system going on.

    Your right ALL FOUR need to be replaced.

    1. walk through

      April 23, 2014 at 11:36 am (UTC -5)


      every year since she became a board member, she told admin at a jr high that she would be doing walk throughs. never once did she show up.

  15. Bad Dog

    April 23, 2014 at 2:37 pm (UTC -5)


    @walk through
    She should NOT be doing walk throughs….she is not an employee or and admistrator. That is NOT her job.
    So don’t be asking why she is not doing it when she never should be doing it…..don’t sound like your disappointed that she isn’t.

    1. walk through

      April 23, 2014 at 2:48 pm (UTC -5)


      just pointing out that she doesn’t keep her word. and no, not disappointed at all. not a fan of her or her father. especially parents calling chuy to go complain and bark at school admin on their behalf yet won’t run for school board on their behalf. idiots! all of them!

  16. Bad Dog

    April 24, 2014 at 4:00 pm (UTC -5)


    SB needs new people on the board. I say vote against ALL four. Especially the Huerta/Aquilera clan so we can get the eighth school board member out (EL PAPI).

    Yes you guys have 8 not 7 school board members. EL PAPI has influence on the board and a vote. He supports the majoirty 4.

    Aye PAPI…ponte a trabajar.

    You know that white thing on top of chicken S@#&….well that’s a piece of S@#& too….LOL

  17. Taxpayer

    April 25, 2014 at 8:41 pm (UTC -5)


    Lets not get off the subject, what is the board gonna do on the clinic adminstrator? If it’s what June says, let’s hear what Richard Garza has to say, we’ll Miss June it is all in black and white from the real people the IRS, he owes them over $300,000. I say terminate him and consider an actual clinic administrator not some wanna be that is never at the clinic to oversee his staff that’s too busy ordering tacos and coming in after 8:00 while patients are there for their 8:00 appointments. The employees of the district should not pay with their time due to the poor administrator. I was told that the risk manager is no longer allowed to oversee or ask questions on the going ons because Richard doesn’t want the district to get involved and whats worse the district administrators allowed this. This has to change, the clinic belongs to the district not Richard. Enough said!

  18. dora

    April 29, 2014 at 2:58 pm (UTC -5)


    Well said TAXPAYER! While it is also the fault of the school board members Richard Garza has a history of not paying his bills on time. Last year it was $60,000 and now its $315,000??!! We don’t need a crook businessman running our clinic. Why not focus on education instead of trying to figure out how this Richard Garza ran up a bill for $315,000 to the IRS and thought he could get away with it? Seriously, who does that? Richard Garza that’s who!! Two years in a row! Let’s not lose focus here. Richard Garza owes the IRS so now he must pay just like everybody else. What is his excuse this time?

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Excerpt from San Benito News reporting on upcoming school board election:

All four candidates were also asked to share their thoughts on the $315,000 lien placed by the Internal Revenue Service on SBCISD funds owed to the district’s on-site health clinic administrator, Richard Garza — owner of ISD Managed Care Services Inc.

“I guess the board has to consider all the situations that affect the healthcare to our employees and their families,” Huerta said. “If action has to be taken, then I guess we’ll have to discuss and decide as a board.”

“That’s another item that pretty much impacts, in this particular case, personnel as well as children,” Mendez said. “My concern as a citizen is when we have financial instability, then comes other emotions. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve seen the stress level on individuals that have burdens from criminal charges or IRS levies and whatnot. My concern in that particular item is (whether Garza is) going to conduct or administer his professional expertise to the fullest capacity? If for some odd reason or another there’s no indication that he is being affected, then we need to continue with whatever we have until we find a solution to it.”

“I think that any vendor that’s going to be coming to the board and wanting to do business with the board, I think that we need to make sure that they have a good background,” Rodriguez said. “Supposedly that decision they made is costing us more money. They went along with knowing that this gentleman owed money to the IRS already. He was already in debt, and yet they still go with the same vendor. I believe I read that a consulting firm told them that they need to go with another one. We need to investigate those vendors that are going to do business with us. We can’t just give it to Joe Blow. He’s a friend. He’s a compadre. That’s got to stop.”

“That, in my opinion, was supposed to be dealt with a long time ago,” Weaver said. “I think the majority board members made a bad decision. They should have dealt with it and also the minority should have dealt with it. Everybody should have taken care of it a long time ago. It shouldn’t have gone this long. A lot of taxpayer money has been wasted. It should have never gotten to this point.”

On his campaign, Huerta said there’s more work that needs to be completed. “I definitely care about the successes in our district,” Huerta said. “There are also a lot of things that need to get done. With the community’s help and their trust, we will finish them.”

“One of the things that I have a very strong background in is my advocacy for education,” Mendez said of his candidacy. “I really believe that education is the biggest equalizer for our society. Our district was in the forefront of technology, academics, athletics and whatnot in the Valley. We’ve lagged behind. We need good, strong visionary leadership … to implement those goals and strategies for our district.”