Insurer Paid +300% of Medicare But The Discount Was Really Good

In the article by Marshall Allen that follows patient questions why Aetna paid  a grossly inflated rate of more than 300% of Medicare for his in-network claim. Well, that’s not the way Aetna or any other managed care company wants you to look at it. Instead they want you to focus on “discounts.” Managed care companies like Aetna reinforce that focus by sending patients EOB’s highlighting those amazing and magnificent discounts applied against billed charges. Could it be you may be looking at a 50% discount off double the price?

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Health Insurance Hustle

Behind the Scenes, Health Insurers Use Cash and Gifts to Sway Which Benefits Employers Choose

The insurance industry gives lucrative commissions and bonuses — from six-figure payouts to a chance to bat against Mariano Rivera — to the independent brokers who advise employers. Critics call the payments a “classic conflict of interest” that drive up costs.

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