Broccoli Mandate To Be Overturned – Guaranteed Access Assured

broccoliAll Americans are currently required to purchase broccoli whether they like it or not. Those who can’t afford it get it free, and those who can only semi-afford it get subsidies (i.e, welfare). Rich bastards have to pay the full cost.

Broccoli prices have skyrocketed as a result of The Affordable Broccoli Act. Quality has eroded with many Americans stuck with purchasing rotten, hardly edible broccoli.

Employers must provide broccoli to all full time employees, or face punishing fines or imprisonment, or both.

With a new administration about to take office, The Affordable Broccoli Act is at risk of being overturned. Broccoli farmers are outraged. Employers are jubilant.

But, never fear, House and Senate Broccoli lovers vow to keep voluntary access to affordable broccoli available to every American.

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