Is Your Consultant Unbiased?

Money drives behaviour – wall-street-journal-insurance-consultants, wall-street-journal-revenue-streams

This White Paper is an excellent piece that all employers should read. It details the truth behind undisclosed consultant/agent/broker revenue streams.

unbiased-consultants – A MUST READ

This was written by Molly Mulebrier, Jd., Phd., CPA, CLU, of Dime Box, Texas. Her articles have appeared in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and the Austin Stateman. She has agreed to be a contributing editor of this weblog.

Health Care Bill Passes Committee

A 1,000 + page Health Care Bill passed committee this week. Here is a 4 page summary of the bill –

Our office is in the process of reading the entire Bill. So far, it is much worse than what you see in the four page summary above. (The 4 page summary was put out by the government with a positive spin attached).

This Bill represents the biggest government power grab in the history of our country. And, once implemented, no one will like it, including those currently un-insured.

Below is a schematic of the Bill – this is not a joke:
