“I’m curious though – why is it that we wouldn’t give our kids a cigarette for breakfast, but we would give them an ultra-processed food with added sugars and refined grains?”
By Mark Messick
Hey what does everyone eat for breakfast?
In a recent conversation with Dr. Tanner Moore, MD and Dr Steve Fuller they mentioned that eating breakfast cereal is as bad for your health as having a cigarette for breakfast.
I grew up on breakfast cereal.
Except for when my family was going through a financial rough patch, then it was oatmeal.
Maybe it would’ve been better for my health if we’d stayed poor longer.
I’m curious though – why is it that we wouldn’t give our kids a cigarette for breakfast, but we would give them an ultra-processed food with added sugars and refined grains?
Is it a lack of knowledge? Are we blind to just how bad these foods are? Or are we simply unwilling to change?
As much as everyone in my network is hustling to improve healthcare – I often wonder how successful we’ll be if we don’t travel a little further upstream and address more fundamental root causes.
(Which I know many of you are working to address as well.)
P.S. Nowadays I usually just eat eggs with too much hot sauce.
Bill, I drove by HEB on Paredes Line Road in Brownsville the other day and noticed a swarm of people loading up their grocery carts with boxes of Coco Puffs stacked on pallets by both front doors. Curious I turned around to see what all the excitement was about. To my amazement, Coco Puff boxes were selling for $1 each, all you can get. Poor people can’t afford the good stuff so they buy this crap instead. How sad is that!