How the hell can half the country afford a $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000 deductible when they can’t even scrape together $500? (Ask Mary, she knows). The other half, the poor and the rich, don’t share the same misery.
Majority of Middle-Class Americans Struggle Financially
The National True Cost of Living Coalition defines “middle class” as those who earn 200% of the federal poverty level. To be qualified as middle class using that criteria, a family of 3 must make $51,640 per year, while a family of 4 must earn $62,400, according to the federal government’s 2024 poverty guidelines.
While most middle-class respondents said they can afford basic expenses, many struggle to set aside money to save for the future.
The data showed that 40% of all Americans, not just the middle class, are unable to plan beyond their next paycheck. Additionally, 46% of Americans do not even have $500 set aside in savings, and 49% are unable to save for unexpected expenses, such as medical bills.
Many Americans are making just enough money to get by while simultaneously making too much money to qualify for financial assistance.

Coming Soon – “How to Use Your Health Insurance Deductible To Buy Beer & Fajitas”