Latest News
Welcome to The Big Picture
CIGNA® welcomes all brokers and consultants to our new The Big Picture newsletter. The Big Picture covers topics for CIGNA business enterprise-wide, so you may find that details in the “Latest News” updates may not always be relevant to your business. For Select Segment specific updates please see the CIGNA Select Segment News section of this newsletter.
Reform Swings into Action
Health care reform sets in motion this fall as the initial provisions take effect. From 100 percent coverage for preventive care to the expansion of dependent coverage to age 26, to big decisions about grandfathering, the Affordable Care Act is changing U.S. health care. Clients, customers and consultants have questions about the provisions listed above plus the dozen or so others that are already impacting business. CIGNA’s reform website,, continues to be a trusted, highly used resource. Check back often for breaking news and updates.
Election Update: Impact of Health Care Reform
In less than 60 days, the public will go to the polls to elect all 435 Members of the U.S. Congress, 36 members of the U.S. Senate, 37 Governors, and many state and local officials. For the national elections, many key issues of the first two years of President Obama’s Administration will play a large role in determining election outcomes – especially the volatile health care issue.
Read more information here.
Empowering Customers with Tools and Resources to be Better Informed
Customers today are being asked to take more accountability and control of their health – and their health spending. Not surprisingly, they expect to have the information and tools* to make smart decisions. CIGNA’s award-winning suite of decision support tools does just that. We’ve collected cost and quality information, simplified the language, redesigned the tools, and added new features that make it easier than ever for individuals to choose and use health care wisely.
Take a look at the experience our customers can expect.
*® and resources discussed in the linked information do not apply to all health plans. Please contact your CIGNA representative if you have questions.
Health and Wellness at Work
Bringing health and wellness programs directly to the workplace is the work of CIGNA Onsite Health®, which has built an extensive suite of onsite capabilities as an integral part of the health management programs CIGNA provides to employers and their workers. CIGNA now offers onsite health centers, pharmacy services, one-on-one health coaching, health promotion, health improvement programs, educational seminars, biometric screenings and flu shots.
Read more information here.
Health Care Reform Impacts on HRA, HSA, FSA Plans
Health care reform has specific impacts on health plan spending accounts that clients and customers will want to know. The impacts may change the way customers plan for and use their HRAs, HSAs or FSAs. Specifically, there are a number of changes related to over-the-counter eligibility for reimbursement, penalties on HSA distributions and reimbursement for expenses of dependents.
Get the details.
CIGNA Pharmacy Management® / Merck Outcome-Based Contract a Proven Success
In April 2009, CIGNA Pharmacy Management and Merck & Co., Inc. entered into the country’s first national outcome-based contract between a pharmaceutical company and a pharmacy benefit management company.
Check out the results of this agreement. |
CIGNA Select Segment News
(51-250 Employees)
Welcome to the Big Picture
We’re excited to welcome you to The Big Picture, your new source for CIGNA Select quarterly news. The Big Picture covers CIGNA markets enterprise-wide, so if your business takes you beyond the 51 to 250 employees segment, you’ll now find all your updates in one place. Big Picture’s general news items may contain details at times that are not relevant to the Select segment. Be sure to also scroll to this section each issue for Select-specific business updates.
Please contact your CIGNA representative if you have questions.
Importance of GWH-CIGNA Network Designation
Because CIGNA has multiple networks, it’s important for your Select segment self-funded clients to know their plan is paired with the GWH-CIGNA network. We’re now also including a message on the back of each GWH-CIGNA ID card in bold red font. Please review the ID card with clients to help them avoid any confusion with health care professionals and pharmacy guidelines.
CIGNA Establishes New Legal Entity
CIGNA is creating a legal entity with a name that more clearly describes what we do for your clients – CIGNA Health and Life Insurance Company (CHLIC).
Read about impacts to your Select clients.
Bend the Cost Curve with CIGNA’s CDHP
As of January 2010, approximately ten million people were covered by HSA/HDHP products, an increase of 25 percent since last year.* In fact, more and more clients are turning to CIGNA’s simple-to-administer consumer-driven health plans to achieve consistent cost reductions compared to traditional health plans.
* Center for Policy and Research, America’s Health Insurance Plans, January 2010 Census Shows 10 Million People Covered by HSA/High-Deductible Health Plans, May 2010,
The numbers prove it. Read more.
Why Onsite Wellness?
Helping people stay healthy makes good business sense.
Offering onsite health and wellness programs is one of the most convenient, effective ways clients can help employees understand their health risks and support them in making healthier lifestyle choices.
Read about an opportunity for new Select cases.
New Web Address for Client Reporting
Changes planned for the client reporting website will take effect on Sept. 20, 2010. Beginning on that date, the website (formerly the customer reporting portal) will feature a new web address:
Get the full details.
More Funding Options than Any Other Carrier
If you’re frustrated with the limited funding choices offered by other health insurance companies, you’ll be interested to know that CIGNA provides more funding options for your clients than any other carrier.
Read about two unique funding alternatives.
Free CE and More at
If you haven’t dropped by lately, may yield a few surprises to make a visit worth your while: Free CE, a video or two to view, a new tool and more.
Learn more. |