Texas and Colorado issue cease and desist orders to health care sharing ministry………
SOURCE: BenefitMall
On Monday, August 12, the Colorado Division of Insurance issued cease and desist orders to Trinity Healthcare, a health care sharing ministry, and Aliera Healthcare, the administrator, marketer, and manager for Trinity.
The orders were issued for consumer protection based on the numerous amounts of complaints filed by consumers. The Division of Insurance is focusing its concerns on some marketing practices specifically and whether these health sharing ministry plans are ACA compliant.
The states of Washington and Texas have also issued cease and desist orders to Trinity and Aliera.
Generally, health sharing ministry plans are NOT insurance and should not be construed as such. These plans are NOT ACA compliant and consumers need to review the terms of these plans carefully.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at (732) 784-3254 or David.Mordo@benefitmall.com.