“The horrible middleman that makes more money, frankly, than the drug companies, and they don’t do anything except they’re a middleman. We’re going to knock out the middleman,” – Donald J. Trump
Continue reading Trump To PBM’s: YOUR FIRED!“The horrible middleman that makes more money, frankly, than the drug companies, and they don’t do anything except they’re a middleman. We’re going to knock out the middleman,” – Donald J. Trump
Continue reading Trump To PBM’s: YOUR FIRED!“As calls to improve upon the foundation of hospital price transparency appear to be ignored and as price disclosure appears to be eroding, we believe that even the limited insights that these files present are a good indication that broader and more comprehensive price disclosure across the healthcare and insurance delivery systems are a good thing for purchasers.”
Continue reading Hospital Price Transparency Files Reveal The Stakes In The Fight Between Two Healthcare Giants