Commercial Insurance vs Medicare: Comparison by State


“What network do you belong to? asks the in-take clerk. “I’m on the Medicare network” replied the member. “That’s funny, there is no indication of that on your I.D. card” responds the now puzzled in-take clerk. “Well, our group plan is on the Medicare +20% network, it’s sometimes called a Reference Based Pricing plan. Since you take Medicare patients already, you’re really gonna like our plan!” says the member. “Cool” says the in-take clerk.

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Hospital Billing Explained

SOURCE: Hospital Billing | True Cost of Healthcare

“When a business sends a bill, to you or to another business, you pretty much expect the bill to show the value of what they provided, and therefore what they expect to be paid. But an insurance company pays the hospital based on pre negotiated rates, no matter what the bill asks for……………”

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