You May Qualify For Free Hospital Care

The Affordable Care Act (ACA), enacted into law on March 23, 2010, added Section 501(r) requirements to the Internal Revenue Code that a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt hospital must satisfy to maintain tax-exempt status. The financial assistance policy (FAP) is a requirement mandated by the ACA and implemented as part of the IRS. As per IRS 501(r), an FAP must apply to all medically necessary care provided by the hospital.

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Help Valley Baptist Hospital Fulfill Their Charitable Mission

Give Me Your Poor, Your Tired, Your Huddled Masses…………..

“You may qualify for hospital financial assistance if your household income is below 350 percent of the federal poverty limit or if your annual out of pocket medical costs exceeded 10 percent of your household income in the past 12 months.”

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