Medicare For All – Will HR 676 Rise Again in 2014?


By William Rusteberg

ObamaCare, a well planned doomed-to-fail endeavor, may lead to a single payer system faster than a melting raspa.

Rising  from the dead, HR 676 may become a modern day reenactment of  Easter Sunday as it is fast becoming a beacon of hope for proponents of a single payer health care system in the United States –  Each reported failure of ObamaCare, along with  lack of Republican alternatives, adds irreversible momentum to single payer health care.

In 1966 when Medicare passed into law, few Republicans supported the enactment. “Socialized medicine” was decried as the “the beginning of the end of the Great American health care system.” Now you can’t find a single Republican against Medicare.

The same will hold true for the Medicare-for-all movement. How can one be against Medicare (for-all) when supporting Medicare? You are either for it or against it.

Plan sponsors may help fuel the shift to Medicare-for-all by enacting the same benefits and reimbursement rates as Medicare for their employees. The coverage is simple; In-patient hospital admissions subject to a $1,200 benefit period deductible, then 100%  and physician office visits a simple 20% co-payment.

Since ACA has yet to  address medical caregiver reimbursement rates, paying Medicare allowable should be just fine. If a government health plan (Medicare) pays $72 for an office visit for example, then a plan sponsor’s matching payment for the same service should be a no brainer. What is good for government beneficiaries should be good for all.

That’s called equality.

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