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BREAKING NEWS Tuesday, July 2, 2013 6:12 PM EDT
White House Delays Employer Health Care Rule Until 2015

The Obama administration announced on Tuesday it would delay for a year, until 2015, the Affordable Care Act mandate that employers provide coverage for their workers or pay penalties, responding to business complaints and postponing the effective date beyond next year’s midterm elections.
“We have heard concerns about the complexity of the requirements and the need for more time to implement them effectively,” Mark J. Mazur, an assistant Treasury secretary, wrote on the department’s Web site in disclosing the delay.

See additional news reports:

Administration Delays ACA Reporting and Pay-or-Play Rules for Businesses
“The Administration is announcing that it will provide an additional year before the ACA mandatory employer and insurer reporting requirements begin. This is designed to meet two goals. First, it will allow us to consider ways to simplify the new reporting requirements consistent with the law. Second, it will provide time to adapt health coverage and reporting systems while employers are moving toward making health coverage affordable and accessible for their employees. Within the next week, we will publish formal guidance describing this transition.”                         (U.S. Department of the Treasury)

Health Law Employer Mandate Delayed by U.S. Until 2015
“The move may lead some employers to delay providing coverage to workers. The law’s individual mandate remains in effect, a provision that requires most Americans to carry health insurance…. The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act allows the Obama administration to set the starting date for the employer coverage reporting requirement that’s the linchpin of the mandate. The administration had not yet announced a date … Still, enforcement of the mandate had been widely expected to begin in 2014[.]”                         (Bloomberg)

Obama Administration to Delay Health Law Requirement Until 2015
“The Obama administration announced on Tuesday that it would delay for a year, until 2015, the Affordable Care Act mandate that employers provide coverage for their workers or pay penalties, responding to business complaints and postponing the effective date beyond next year’s midterm elections…. The change does not affect other central provisions of the law, in particular those establishing health care marketplaces in the states … where individual Americans without health insurance can shop from a menu of insurance policies. Under those provisions, subsidies are available for lower-income individuals who qualify. However, it will be difficult for officials running the exchanges to know who is entitled to subsidies if they are not able to confirm whether employers are offering insurance to their employees.”                         (The New York Times; subscription may be required)

Obamacare Employer Mandate Delayed Until After 2014 Midterms
“Delaying the requirement until 2015 is an enormous victory for businesses that had lobbied against the healthcare law. It also means that one of healthcare reform’s central requirements will be implemented after the 2014 midterm elections, when the GOP is likely to use the Affordable Care Act as a vehicle to attack vulnerable Democrats. In a White House blog post, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett wrote that the administration believed it needed to give employers ‘more time to comply with the new rules.'”                         (The Hill)